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What are Agents?

Agents are similar to Hired Guns, in the fact that they add to your mob to fight with. However, the difference between an Agent and a Hired Gun is the Agents can be used below level 100, where Hired Guns must be used after level 100.


How do Agents work?

You are allowed 5 agents per level. These will allow you to boost your attack or defense. You can use agents after level 100 with Hired Guns as well.


How do I purchase Agents and how many do I get?

You purchase the Agents under the Godfather Tab, and for 25 Favor Points you get 1 Agent


There is a free tool that you can use to see what you fight with at a certain level. This will not tell you WHAT you need in relation to Hired Guns or Agents, but rather it will show what you are fighting with so you can make sure you have enough equipment.


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