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Attacking Mobsters and Tab


The standard Rule is 3 hits on a mobster, anything more than that and many will consider you over attacking. So prepare yourself to be attacked back or listed for hitting more than 3 times. Yes, players leave out money and its a game of stealing money and killing. So steal at your own risk be prepared to get attacked and listed repeatedly for stealing cash. You cannot attack or punch while you are in the hospital. You will need to heal before attacking or punching if you are in the hospital.


​You can punch an account at any level. Currently, no matter what level you are you can list a mobster. You are not able to punch mobsters from the hospital. You must heal before punching another mobster if you are in the hospital.

Attack Tab

Clicking the Attack Tab will take you to a list of mobsters at your Level and 5 levels lower than you. Also you may see levels way higher than you. When you attack you may win cash and experience points. You only gain experience if you win an attack and you do not lose any experience when you lose an attack. However, if you attack a mobster with low health and lose and die off of them, you will lose experience. Your attack is based on how many mobsters you fight with, the equipment you have armed them with, and what you may have in your avatar load.


Copyright Notice: All images and information pertained on this webpage is used solely for Mobsters New Beginning©. Copyright permission has been given to me by the owner(s) of Mobsters New Beginning©.

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