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Daily Bonus

The Daily bonus is on the main page of the game, just above the Broadcast.  Clicking the link will open a new window and will show you what you won in the daily bonus. The bonus is random and can only be claimed once a day. The Daily bonus resets daily at 7pm EST. Any equipment you receive will be able to be used the moment you win it, regardless of your level. The only exception to this is the Hired Guns, as they will not take effect until level 100 and above. The list of items and the minimum and maximum amounts you can get in 1 daily bonus are below.




Agents You can get up to 2 per daily bonus

Cash you can get is anywhere from $50,000 to $1,000,000 (million)

DMB Top only 1 per daily bonus. Avatar Item
DMB Bottoms Only 1 per daily bonus. Avatar Item

Energy you can get anywhere from 200 to 400 Energy 
Favor Points you can get up to 10 points

Hired Gun Only 1 per daily bonus

Playdumb Top Only 1 per daily bonus. Avatar Item

Rhino Tank Only 1 per daily bonus
Stamina you can get anywhere from 3 to 10 stamina (note: Stamina gained from daily bonus is an addition to your current stamina count. If stamina is maxed and received on daily bonus, it will add to. If stamina is not full, it will be used to replenish lost stamina. Does not change skill Point settings. Once Stamina is used, you will only regenerate your skill point amount.)

Knuckles Only 1 per daily bonus. You can still receive them after you have maxed out


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