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PLEASE make sure you use a real email. The owner of the email owns the account


We will discuss the way the game is played and how to build your accounts.


Also this is where you can hunt for extra cash from people who have had a price set on their head to have them killed.

Limited Edition Items

These are items put out under Equipment Tab, under the Limited Tab, they are bought with Favor Points. Each item will have an attack and defense boost to them. Due to the ever increasing amount of LE items, they will not be listed in this guide.


Knuckles (under Godfather Tab)

Knuckles are an addition to the game to allow you to punch players with higher damage. 1 knuckle will do 1 extra punch damage. The knuckles cost 25 Favor Points a piece,  and you can purchase up to 42 Knuckles to do a max punch damage of 50. There is no limit as to how many you can purchase at one time.


If you get punched, attacked, or listed by an account that is lower than you, then you will have a 1 for 1 retaliation on the account that attacked, punched or listed you within a 4 day period.


Lose Experience

In order to Lose experience, you need to kill yourself, suicide or die. In order to kill yourself you will need to be in the hospital or attack and lose more health than what you have, then use a badge that you get from a mission to punch yourself. Another way to lose experience is to just simply die. If someone lists you or kills you, you will lose experience.



Warsheet(s) are an optional part of the game. You can purchase them from the following link listed. You are able to keep track of your family or enemies you want to have easy access to. To use the sheet, you will need to know the person(s) id.

How To Navigate Your MNB Screen

Top Menu Bar:

Home (takes you to the Rules of Conduct)

Game (takes you to the game main page with broadcast)

Edit Picture (allows you to upload a new photo)

Subscription (See Subscription page)

Santa (purchase giftcards to give Favor Points to other players)

Donate Badge (allows you to make a donation to the game while getting nothing in return)

Tools: Player Search (Allows you to search for all players with a certain name)

Tools: 200 Energy (Click once daily for an extra 200 Energy)

Tools: Fight With Calculator (input the required information to see what you should fight with at a certain level)



Top right Corner

Is Your Pic/Gif
Mob (the +() is how many hired Guns you have)
Refresh Button

Left Side of Screen
Cash Flow

Menu Bar

Main (Broadcast, Energy,  Top Mob and Combat Tab's)
Missions (Cities and Mission List's)

Territory (Land & Property that helps with cash flow and your bounty)
Bank (Bank Money, there is a 10% deposit fee)
Godfather (Shows you how many Favor Points you have,refills buy HG's and others things)
Attack (your attack list & rival list)
Hitlist (only can see your level, levels 5 below you and levels higher than you).
Equipment (LE Items, Weapons, Armor, Vehicles, Henchmen)
Hospital (Heal Yourself)

My Mob (your mobster friends, pending requests, blocked requests).
My Mobster ( Stats page, Skills page, people you've blocked on the BC or your wall, and Avatar are located under this)
Made Men

Help: (opens a pop up to send an email to admin about issues with the game. Please use an email for a reply)

ROW 2 (Bottom)
Social (broadcast, used to talk and add players, block images (will block all images in game to use less data))

Combat (Your fight log of who's attacked or killed you, bounties you've caught)

Energy (See who has sent you Energy for missions)
Top Mob (Used to collect cast and energy from players)

FAQ (just a few Frequently asked questions)


Combat Tab

Clicking this will show you who has attacked you recently. If you collect a bounty on someone, it will show that you executed the hit on someone. You can delete this history 1 at a time by clicking the trash can next to each line.

Energy Tab

Shows you who has sent you Energy and Returned Energy. Click on the Return button to return energy sent. There is a return all function that will return the energy sent to you to everyone so you don't have to do it manually.

Add] (add mobsters)
[Reply] (click on reply of the mobster you want to respond to)
[Block] (blocks any responses from the mobster you blocked and also blocks them from your wall.). Also, under the My mobster tab, there is a tab called Wall & BC Blocks. Clicking that will pull up a list of all the mobsters you have blocked. You cannot block admins

How to set up your account and what do I need?

Attack: This account you would focus your skill points on Health, Attack and Stamina
Defense: This account you would focus your skill points on Defense
Energy: This account you would focus your skill points on Energy
Banks: This account you would focus your points wherever you would like, as its just for money purposes

You will need the following:
500 mobsters to start off with more as you level past certain levels
(mobster friends, that you can be friends with, and still kill them unlike old mobs)
You fight with 5 mobsters per level until you reach level 100 and you then fight with 500.
At level 101 you will fight with 500 of your mob plus 5 of your Top Mob. Each level you gain you will have the ability to fight with 5 more provided you have the extra Hired Guns.

Also you will need to equip each Mobster with Weapons, Armor, Vehicles,  and Henchmen( If your fighting with 5 you would get 5 weapons, armor, vehicles, and henchmen. so as your Fight With goes up you will need to arm them. You can find the Equipment list on this website.

Some Equipment have an hourly upkeep. So you will need to buy Territories to keep your cash flow. On this website you can find a list of
Territories and how much there cash flow is.

Cash Flow and Your Bounty
Your cash Flow and your Bounty work hand in hand. As your cash flow per hour goes up so does your bounty.

As mentioned before some Equipment has an hourly upkeep. When you purchase an item that has an hourly upkeep it will take away from your cash flow, but it will not take away from your bounty. Any hourly cash flow put towards your hourly cash flow will increase your bounty.

Missions are broke down into Da Bronx, Downtown, Jersey, Outta Town

Each mission requires Energy and Mobsters, and each mission pays out cash, experience, equipment, skills or favor points for achievements. Items required for the missions will be used, so make sure you stock up on equipment requirements. You can find a list of all missions and payouts on this web site. Some missions can make you level fast, so keep that in mind. 


Copyright Notice: All images and information pertained on this webpage is used solely for Mobsters New Beginning©. Copyright permission has been given to me by the owner(s) of Mobsters New Beginning©.

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